Circular Toolkit

A practical toolkit developed by O-Farms to support agribusinesses to become more circular.

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You can download the Circular Toolkit for free. Please leave behind your name and select organisation type.

Six tools to become a more circular agribusiness

The Circular Toolkit by O-Farms provides a set of six practical tools developed for agri-SMEs, entrepreneur support organisations (ESOs), and other practitioners working with circular agribusinesses in low-income markets.

The tools support SMEs in finding inspiration for circular product development, assessing their circularity level, discovering opportunities to enhance their circularity, amplify their impact, and increase their revenue.

How to use the tools

Each tool consists of two parts: A tool guide and a worksheet. The tools are designed for use in a workshop setting and should take you, provided you are well prepared, between two and three hours to complete.

Tool guides

The tool guides act as manuals for the tools. They explain the goal of the tools, present relevant background information, explain definitions, and introduce the worksheets. They also show a filled-out example of the worksheet. Lastly, the tool guides include facilitator tips and link to additional resources. Make sure to read the tool guides in advance of using the worksheet.


The worksheets are the place where the action takes place. They generally consist of two or three steps. You can print the worksheets on large format (A3 or larger) or use them in a collaborative online space. We recommend working in teams to trigger creativity and to come up with out-of-the-box ideas.

What is O-Farms?

O-Farms is Africa’s first accelerator program focusing entirely on circular agribusiness. O-Farms supports 40 innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya and Uganda. Funded by the IKEA Foundation and implemented by Bopinc and Village Capital, the project engages local entrepreneur support organisations (ESOs), E4Impact in Kenya and Hive Colab in Uganda to implement its SME accelerator activities. Contact us to learn more about O-Farms.

Why focus on circular agriculture?

By 2050, the earth’s population will increase by two billion. How will we sustainably feed a growing population without depleting the planet’s resources? Circular agriculture is an important approach to building a more sustainable food system. We need disruptive, innovative and impact-driven companies to provide circular solutions in agricultural markets and supply chains, and to find ways to make these changes affordable and achievable. That means we need a friendly environment for SMEs and farmer groups that see business potential in valorising food losses and by-products, and bring these back into the food system. The Circular Toolkit supports them with this.

Ready to go circular?

Download the toolkit for free

You can download the Circular Toolkit for free. Please leave behind your name and select organisation type.